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A place to call home

RCS provides a safe, comfortable, and a reliable place for those in need. Along with a community kitchen, our shelter has a family wing, emergency crisis shelter wing, and a Veteran's wing. Our goal is to keep dignity intact while empowering clients to obtain self sustainment and security during their time at RCS. 


Our Shelter

The current estimated number of homeless residents in North Carolina is 9,314. These are individuals who according to the latest census, live and even work in North Carolina, but do not have a permanent address. 


Source here:

The percentage in Eastern North Carolina is less than 13%. That said, there is currently no way to measure or count the transient homeless population or the undocumented homeless population.  The data tells us that on any given night there are near 100 residents and countless others without a place to stay in Craven County and the only homelessness services that exist are the ones provided by RCS.


RCS offers three distinct homelessness housing services. 

  1. Emergency Crisis Shelter: RCS’s traditional 20 bed shelter offers an overnight haven for individuals experiencing homelessness. 

  2. Veteran’s Residence: RCS houses a five-unit, Veteran’s residence on its George Street campus. Here, Veterans are provided consistent housing while they work with a case manager to achieve self-sufficiency

  3. Family Residence: RCS houses a four-unit, Family residence on its George Street campus. Here, families experiencing homelessness are provided consistent housing while they work with a case manager to achieve self-sufficiency

RCS’s goal is to improve the well-being of the people in our area and to give them the opportunities to achieve their individual freedom with independence and responsibility. We work to establish a baseline for families and individuals to help them transition into a more stable life. To this end, we see food, shelter, education, and prevention services linked for families and individuals to have the means of self-sufficiency and dignity. The basic goal of RCS’s overall approach to well-being is to empower individuals to help themselves.

The strategy to accomplish this goal is to employ the tool of client centered case management. With client centered case management, RCS will be able to provide accountability to our clients as they pursue their own goals. Clients seeking assistance will be screened individually to meet individual needs and make appropriate referrals. RCS case managers work with local partners to establish and ensure effective care.

In 2021, we were able to serve 74,885 individual Case management hours through our combined case management services. This service has shown its staggering demand.

Emergency shelter

The Crisis shelter is a 20-bed facility available to homeless single adults. (10 women and 10 men).

The homeless shelter provides a safe place for men or women to stay 365 days a year. Meals are provided during shelter hours. Clients are admitted on a first come first serve basis. Check-in is daily at 3pm and check-out is daily at 7am.


Every guest has access to case management services. Case managers assist with finding housing, employment or resources to help gain stability.


Initial intake requires a criminal background check at the City of New Bern Police Department located at 601 George St, New Bern, NC 28560 beginning at 2:30pm daily and a picture id


Lorrie Durning is the Services Coordinator. To contact Lorrie or other staff, please call 252-633-2767 before 3pm and 252-633-1887 after 3pm. For emergency shelter after 3pm, please call 252-633-1887. 


Veteran's Wing

The Veteran wing provides temporary housing for 5 single adults. Each Veteran has a private living space which includes a bed, miniature fridge and small eating area. Veterans share a TV room, fully equipped kitchen, bathrooms and laundry room. 


The Veteran program is customized to each resident and led by a case manager and delivered over approximately 1 year. Veterans are not charged any move in fees. Our focus is moving our veterans to independence and permanent housing as soon as possible. The program has the flexibility to extend care if necessary. 


Katrina Henderson is the case manager of the Veteran Wing. To contact Katrina or other staff, please call 252-633-2767 Monday-Friday 8am-5pm


Family Shelter

The Family Shelter provides temporary housing for 4 families experiencing homelessness. Each family has a private living space which includes beds and a bathroom. Families share a  TV room, fully equipped kitchen, laundry room and children's play area.


The Family Shelter provides a safe environment for temporarily displaced families while they are searching for other housing options. Families are not charged any move in fees. For those experiencing eviction from housing they could not afford, living in substandard housing, and any other housing crisis, our temporary shelter provides food and lodging. Each family must participate in case management that will equip them with the recourses and support to regain stability.


Katrina Henderson is the case manager of the Family Shelter. To contact Katrina or other staff, please call 252-633-2767 Monday-Friday 8am-5pm

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Call Us:

Pantry, Utilities, Rent, & More 

on Cypress Street

Mon-Fri: 8:00am-4:00pm

252-633-2767 (ext. 4016)

Find Us: 

919 George Street

New Bern, NC 28560

Warehouse & Volunteers

Mon-Fri: 8:00am-3:00pm

Clothing Boutique: 

Tues-Thur: 10:00am - 2:00pm

503 Guion Street

New Bern, NC 28560

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